Support us and be our "Danz Partner"

Be our “Danz Partner” and help us develop and fund “danz programs” that bring the joy of dance to students of all ages. Danz2Advance is committed to helping deserving recipients overcome the financial obstacles often associated with dance. Your donation helps us in accepting all who want to learn dance regardless of their ability to pay. No amount is too small…or too big. Explore the impactful programs that your generosity will make possible.

$50 will allow a leader & follower to experience a group class.
$100 will allow a leader & follower to enroll in a monthly group class.
$250 will allow a group of 6 to enroll in a monthly group class.
$500 will allow a group of 25 join a workshop and dance social.
$1000 will allow a group of 12 to learn a choreographed piece for performance.
$1500 will allow a group of 20 to prepare & perform in the "Hustle Danz Mob".
$2000 will allow one class to experience a 16 session in school dance residency.
No amount too small or too big. Your generosity will have impact.